For the first time, bipartisan bills have been introduced in Congress to provide substantial federal funding to scale up Community Health Center-led workforce development programs. These bills represent a meaningful step toward addressing the workforce shortage faced by Community Health Centers. Learn more about these bills.
Cosponsors needed for workforce bills
More congressional cosponsors = greater likelihood it becomes law.
Here’s how to help NACHC increase the number of cosponsors for the Health Care Workforce Innovation Act (H.R. 7307 / S. 4957):
- Share your workforce challenges with your Representatives and Senators.
- Educate lawmakers about how expanding workforce development programs would help to meet those challenges.
- Emphasize that these programs create good-paying jobs with rewarding career paths in rural and underserved communities.
For example, could your health center operate more efficiently and serve more patients with greater recruitment of medical and dental assistants, pharmacy technicians, community health workers, peer support specialists, and other allied health professionals?
Why engaging with Congress matters
Did you know? Congress measures the importance of an issue by counting the number of calls received in a day. This is a reminder that everyone has the power to quickly raise this issue to the top of their priorities.
Follow the campaign link to find everything you’ll need: call script, sample letter to Congress, additional talking points, and NACHC’s workforce policy paper. If you have any questions about this campaign, feel free to contact us at grassroots@nachc.org.
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