The 12th Open Enrollment Period for the federal Health Insurance Marketplace—www.healthcare.gov—begins on November 1, 2024. As trusted partners, Community Health Centers play a critical role in ensuring people have access to health insurance coverage and care. Given that over 25 million have been disenrolled in Medicaid since the unwinding began last year, the stakes are high! This webinar is a great opportunity to learn a new strategy for enrolling and keeping people in your community covered.
Speakers include staff from the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), who will provide policy updates and resources available to health centers enrolling people into coverage. Additionally, two case studies examine how health centers in a Medicaid-expanded and a non-Medicaid expanded state have prepared staff, patients, and communities to enroll people into coverage.
Click here to access the webinar recording.