COVID-19 Communications Toolkit for Health Centers
Updated October 2024
Building confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines among health center staff and patients takes many different forms of communication and outreach. It’s important to show empathy and respond without judgment to people’s questions about the vaccines.
Update 10/2024: Through the “Risk Less, Do More” campaign, HHS offers an array of free, downloadable graphics, posters, flyers, ads, and other resources to educate your community about vaccines. View “Risk Less, Do More” resources.
NACHC developed these resources to provide health center staff with tools for explaining the COVID-19 vaccines and promoting vaccination among staff, patients, and the community. Scroll down for key vaccine messages, FAQs, sample social media posts and graphics, sample vaccine clinic media advisories, and “I Got Vaccinated” selfie signs.
For materials and graphics tailored for specific audiences, visit COVID-19 Vaccine Education Resources from Outside Organizations. For rapid-response messaging guidance on new questions related to COVID-19, check out the resources from the Public Health Communications Collaborative.
Sample Social Media Posts and Images
Below find social media graphics and sample posts for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter addressing current vaccine issues, e.g., the value of boosters, vaccines for kids 6 months and up, how to stay safe if you’re unvaccinated, pregnancy, and misinformation. Right-click on the image and save to your device.
Links: We recommend linking to a COVID-19 page on your organization’s website if you have one. Or link to or
Hashtags: Limit hashtags in tweets to 2-3. Consider using any relevant hashtags that are trending your area, in addition to these: #COVID19Vaccine, #ThisIsOurShot
Facebook and Instagram
- Booster doses are recommended for everyone ages 5 years and older who are fully vaccinated, regardless of what vaccine you initially received. Learn more: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
- Updated COVID-19 boosters protecting against Omicron are now available! Everyone ages 5 years and up who are eligible to receive the updated booster 2 months after their last COVID-19 dose. Learn more here: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
- If you received the J&J vaccine at least 2 months ago, you are eligible for any of the three booster dose options now. Talk to your healthcare provider to learn more & visit [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
- We encourage everyone ages 5 and older who are eligible to get the updated COVID-19 boosters today. Learn more here: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
Updated booster shots for #COVID19vaccines are now available for everyone ages 5 and up. Protect yourself & your family from Omicron variant. Talk to your healthcare provider & learn more here: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE] #ThisIsOurShot
Facebook and Instagram
- COVID-19 vaccines are now available for kids 6 months and older! Protect your children by getting them the COVID-19 vaccine. Got questions? Talk to your healthcare provider & visit [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
- Kids & babies get COVID-19, too, causing severe illness in some cases. Did you know that kids 6 months and older can now get the COVID-19 vaccine? It is free and can protect your kids from severe illness. Got questions? Talk to your healthcare provider & visit [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
- Children 6 months + can get the COVID-19 vaccine! Get your children vaccinated to protect them, help them stay safe at school, in social settings and with family and friends, and stop the spread of COVID-19. The vaccine is free & reduces the risk of serious illness. Learn more by talking with your healthcare provider or by visiting [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
Kids can get #COVID19 and easily spread it even if they don’t have symptoms. Give children ages 6 months and older the protection they deserve. Got questions? Talk to your healthcare provider or visit: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE] #ThisIsOurShot #VaccinesSaveLives
Facebook and Instagram
Flu season is here! Everyone 6 months & older should get a flu shot and COVID vaccine. Even better? Everyone can get their flu shot and #COVID19 vaccine at the same time. Both vaccines are safe, effective and protect you from a severe illness. Learn more and register for your vaccines today at [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
#FluSeason is here! Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu shot. If you’re eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine or booster, it is safe to get both vaccines on the same day. Learn more by visiting [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]. #VaccinesSaveLives
Facebook and Instagram
Pregnant women face an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Studies show that getting a COVID-19 vaccine offers protection for pregnant women and their babies. Talk to your healthcare provider today about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Got questions? Learn the facts here: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
Did you know pregnant women can also get the #COVID19vaccine? The vaccine is safe & effective throughout pregnancy. Protect yourself and your baby from severe illness caused by COVID-19. Learn more: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE] #ThisIsOurShot.
Facebook and Instagram
If you are unvaccinated, you must take steps to ensure you and your loved ones are staying safe:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Avoid crowds and spaces with poor ventilation
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Monitor your health daily. Be alert for symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
For more tips about how to stay safe, visit [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
If you’re unvaccinated, it’s very important you take steps to protect yourself and everyone around you. Talk to your healthcare provider about how to protect yourself and keep your family safe. Learn more here: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE] #COVID19.
Facebook and Instagram
Is your COVID-19 information coming from a source you don’t know? Inaccurate information about COVID-19 vaccines is spreading faster than the virus. You can help stop the spread of incorrect information by:
Fact-checking information
Only sharing content that you know is based on science
Speaking with medical professionals about COVID-19
Got questions about COVID-19 vaccines? We are here to help. Talk to your healthcare provider about the facts &learn more at [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE]
Misinformation is on the rise about COVID-19 vaccines. Trust your healthcare provider and talk to them about the science behind the vaccines. Learn more: [HEALTH CENTER WEBSITE] #ThisIsOurShot #VaccinesSaveLives
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
The vaccine will not give you COVID-19. None of the COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States uses the live virus that causes COVID-19. You may have symptoms like a fever after you get a vaccine. This is not uncommon and a sign that your immune system is learning how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. Learn more about the facts behind COVID-19 vaccines:
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
By getting the COVID-19 vaccine, you are protecting not only your own health, but also that of your family and your community. #ThisIsOurShot
Browse COVID-19 vaccine graphics