Use this calculator to see the impact of cuts to the Community Health Center Fund overall and in your state.
Congress needs to act before September 30, 2023, to extend Community Health Center funding. If Congress does not act to extend health center funding before that date, almost 7 million patients will lose access to care and nearly 60,000 health center staff positions could be lost.
This tool provides an estimate of the immediate impact of any reductions to the base Community Health Center Fund. These estimates do not account for secondary impacts, such as loss of patient revenue resulting from patients losing trusted providers, or loss of enabling services like transportation and translation that facilitate patients’ access to care. The loss or reduction of these types of services would likely lead to additional patients losing access to care.
By entering your state abbreviation, the calculator will generate the estimated losses in funding, patients and staff that health centers in your state will experience as a result of a reduction in base and discretionary funding through the federal 330 grant.

Example of calculator results showing the impact of 33% in cuts to the Community Health Center Fund.
If you have any questions about this calculator, please contact