America’s Health Centers – Our Mission Continues
The outcome of this year’s elections will have an impact on public priorities, policies and budgets going into the future. It is certain that health care will remain a top public concern and the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and its members will continue its longstanding tradition of working with lawmakers across the entire political spectrum to address health care needs.
Our agenda has not changed. We will move our mission forward to ensure the nation continues to invest in and strengthen a community health system that for decades, and today during a global pandemic, has proven itself vital in protecting and providing health care access in thousands of communities for more than 30 million people.
In the remaining days of the 116th Congress, NACHC and its membership will call for action on a needed stimulus bill to counter the impact of the coronavirus and to prepare for massive inoculations once a vaccine becomes available. In addition, we will continue to press for long-term stable funding of the Health Center Program and move aggressively to thwart the attack on the 340B program, which now threatens access to affordable medications for millions of low-income and vulnerable patients.
This has been a tumultuous year marked by the COVID-19 crisis, intense partisan division, economic disruption and hardship, civil unrest and police violence against Black people and peaceful demonstrators. Our health center mission, rooted in the promise of our democracy for fairness and social justice for all, gives us hope for a better and healthier future for everyone. We stand ready to help. Let us heal together.