With fall upon us and winter fast approaching, Community Health Centers are working to stop the spread of respiratory viruses like flu, COVID-19, and RSV in their communities. Fortunately, there are some new resources to help health centers acquire vaccine supply and educate their patients about the benefits of vaccination. Read on to learn about COVID-19 vaccines from Direct Relief and CDC and free HHS resources to educate your community about the benefits of immunization.
Direct Relief COVID-19 vaccine partnership
NACHC is collaborating with our longstanding partner, Direct Relief, to facilitate the availability of adult COVID-19 vaccines to health centers and health center Look-Alikes. This initiative aims to support those patients who are uninsured, ensuring that everyone has access to vital immunizations as we approach the colder months.
- These vaccines are available at no cost from their manufacturers, so health centers can order them for free and all shipping expenses will be covered by FedEx.
- To order vaccines, health centers must work directly with Direct Relief by enrolling as a health care partner.
CDC vaccine funding
CDC has distributed $62 million in funding to public health jurisdictions to help purchase and distribute COVID-19 vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults. Important notes about this funding:
- This funding permits more flexibility and there is no time limit for ordering vaccines.
- The number of shots distributed to states is dependent on the percentage of the state’s population compared to the overall U.S. population.
- Like the Bridge Program, if a state needs more shots, they can reach out to neighboring states and request to buy excess unused vaccines.
To access these vaccines and funding, follow these steps:
- Reach out to your public health department to make a request for financial support for the health centers in your state. Last year, some states provided free COVID-19 vaccines AND additional funding to support the administrative costs related to vaccination.
- Get connected to your State Immunization Managers.
- Connect directly with your immunization manager within your jurisdiction to access these free vaccines. Consider this for regular immunization or special events.
- Please let us know if you need help connecting with your state’s immunization managers. NACHC can work with the Association of Immunization Managers to find the proper contacts.
- Read the full memo for more details.

“Risk Less, Do More” Campaign — Free communication resources to promote vaccination
NACHC is a supporter of the new HHS campaign to promote vaccination, Risk Less. Do More. Find downloadable graphics with tested messages tailored for a range of audiences, including 65+, caregivers, pregnant people, and more. There are also handouts for patients and providers. Look at free resources.