For the last two years, NACHC’s Elevate learning forum has supported over 450 health centers nationwide in applying systems change to reduce costs, enhance patient and staff experience, improve health outcomes, and advance health equity. Register for Elevate 2021: http://bit.ly/QCElevate_2021.
Community Health Centers (aka Federally Qualified Health Centers) have faced many new and daunting challenges over the past year. With so many initiatives, it can be hard to prioritize and still address the ongoing challenges and needs of operating a health center. NACHC’s Quality Center has simplified improving care and outcomes by distilling down research and promising practices into manageable steps that health centers, primary care associations (PCA), and Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCN) can implement on a local and state level. You can learn more about these steps through the webinars, tools, and resources available by joining NACHC’s Elevate learning forum.
Starting a new program sometimes takes time and effort that you think you don’t have, but the Quality Center team is here to help you along the way. Plus with over 60 PCAs and HCCNs, you won’t be on this journey alone. If you are thinking about joining, or simply want to know more, here are a few things you might want to know:
- Enhance systems change
Elevate implements NACHC’s Value Transformation Framework (VTF) to support systems change. This is key, because all lessons you learn at Elevate can be overlaid on your existing transformation work, partnerships, and ongoing initiatives. Utilizing the VTF’s systems-approach to improvement will enhance your existing transformation efforts accelerating results and impact.
- Many options to engage
Elevate offers multiple options to engage and receive training around the VTF. Besides the monthly core webinars, health centers can learn through the online learning portal, elective webinar series, podcasts, short videos, and so much more. The different offerings are designed to allow your health center to build your own journey, according to the needs, time, and availability of your team.
- Everyone can be involved
Creating systems changes takes active involvement from team members in a variety of roles across the organization. Once you register for Elevate, everyone at your organization has access to the training and resources offered through Elevate, allowing an efficient division of the transformation efforts that can also take into consideration individual priorities and interests.
- New opportunities throughout the year
There is more to Elevate than the learning opportunities. All health centers will complete the VTF Assessment, which can help identify areas of focus for transformation efforts. Health centers that have 3 or more individuals that complete the VTF Assessment will gain access to scholarships and free trials, helping health centers advance in their transformation journeys.
- You don’t want to be left out
With over 500 health centers, and more joining every day, you do not want to be one of the few health centers left behind. This FREE initiative will also provide a network of peers walking along the same path towards value-based care, which means you will never have to walk alone.
Are you ready to join? Complete this quick registration and unlock all the opportunities Elevate will offer in 2021! We cannot wait to see you in an upcoming monthly forum, and to help you in your transformation journey.