About the Conference
The Conference for Agricultural Worker Health is the only conference dedicated solely to the health and well-being of America’s migratory and seasonal agricultural workers and their families. NACHC sponsors this conference each year to bring together leaders in migrant health to learn from each other to improve the health and well-being of this population.
2024 Increase Access to Care Award
The application period for the 2024 Increase Access to Care (IAC) for Agricultural Workers Promising Practices Award is now closed.
Thank you to all who submitted applications, highlighting promising practices implemented by health centers to increase access to care for agricultural workers and their families in their communities. NCFH will review the submissions and award a one-time $1500 stipend to 1-2 health centers for them to continue their increase access efforts. Recipients will be recognized at the 2024 Agricultural Worker Health.
Agricultural Worker Access Campaign
The Ag Worker Access Campaign is a national initiative to increase the number of migratory and seasonal agricultural workers (MSAWs) and their families served in Community and Migrant Heath Centers (C/MHCs) across the U.S.
C/MHCs serve approximately 22% (977,744*) of the estimated 4.5 million Ag Workers and their families currently living in the U.S. Our goal is to increase the number of Agricultural workers and their families served in Health Centers to at least 2 million.
Launched in 2015, under the direction of NACHC’s’ Committee for Ag Worker Health and managed jointly by NACHC and the National Center for Farmworker Health (NCFH), the Campaign has built nationwide momentum, resulting in an 85,688 increase in the number of MSAW patients served since its inception. The Campaign is guided by a 23-member national Task Force representing health centers, primary care associations, health center controlled networks, National Training and Technical Assistance Partners, and other organizations representing education, housing, and labor.
*Source: 2020 UDS Data
Task Force Priority Areas Include:
- Ensuring C/MHC staff receive the training and technical assistance they need to effectively outreach to the Ag Worker population, and accurately classify and report them in UDS
- Understanding and addressing MSAW’s unique needs and the barriers they face related to accessing health care
- Identifying and disseminating promising practices for increasing access to care for MSAWs
- Supporting local/regional/state coalitions between C/MHCs and other Ag worker-serving entities
Join the Ag Worker Access Campaign Initiative Today!
Contact the Events Department at [email protected] or call 301-347-0400. Housing will open in Decemeber.
All attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. NACHC will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.
Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. This also includes inappropriate physical contact and unwelcome sexual attention.
Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, social events, Twitter and other online media. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of NACHC.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the conference staff immediately.
Questions? Contact [email protected] or 301-347-0400 for more information.